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McKay | St George Utah One Year Old Photographer

Anytime I get the chance to photograph this little heart breaker I jump at the chance!  He and his family came down to visit us in St. George so we took a little detour from playing at the park and took of few portraits to celebrate his one year old birthday AND his amazing head…

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Smith Family | St George, Utah Fresh 48 Photographer

What a privilege to be able to photograph this sweet newborn baby in her first few moments in this new world!  And I could’ve died at the sweetness of capturing as her loving brother, sister and Grandma came to meet her for the first time! They were so excited and fascinated that their new little…

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Motherhood is beautiful, but it isn’t always pretty | Living Art Photography

Motherhood is a beautiful thing, but it isn’t always pretty.  And fatherhood isn’t usually very pretty at all, but that’s a topic for another time.  A lot of the time my day consists of lots of little corrections.  “Don’t say this, Don’t do that, keep your hands to yourself” on and on and on.  Wash,…

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Smith Family | Snow Canyon Utah Photographer

I’ve loved watching this family grow.  They have two of the sweetest little kids and they are getting ready to welcome one more to the party!  Kacen and Tanya are just the coolest parents and they make everything they do look easy!  On top of being a busy mom Tanya is also a busy real…

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Wendelboe Family | St. George Spring Orchard Family Photographer

The spring just does not last long enough!  Spring just makes me happy, all the new flowers and watching the trees come back to life!  It also makes me really anxious knowing that the hot St. George summer is right on our tails.  You know what else makes me happy?  This perfect little family!  These…

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